Is been almost 11 months since the competition been over on facebook. Involving in such competition was quiet challenging as many of the great animators have been involved. It was a great learning experience.
The competition was organized by Mass Animation with collaboration with DC Universe Online. There were two categories, one game animation and the other for game trailer. I do submitted few clips, however one of them got lucky enough to get selected by the Jury and was then further refined to get it ready for final trailer.
After its official trailer released on 15th June at E3, the trailer of DCUO/Mass Animation had been onlined. It had revealed all the winners of DCUO/Mass Animation – animation contest which was held on December 2009 - January 2010.
It is really a great moment for me to see me name in the credits. It's an honour to being the only one from Pakistan. My shot is the facial closeup shot of Jokers laugh, though it just lasted for few frames but its really worth it :)
To view the full trailer, please refer to the video below.
The game itself has been little delayed to the early 2011. Check out DC Universe Online blog and website for more information.
I would really like to thank Mass Animation, DC Universe Online, Sony Entertainment, Reel FX and all the sponsors and individuals who have been involved in this great competition journey.
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